

If you have responsibilities and involvements that make a flexible course format more ideal to continue your education, 你可以在新葡京官方app选择.


Some 在线 courses can be accomplished at any time of day and from any location (often called asynchronous classes). 它们是通过 Moodle,我们的学习管理系统.


实时在线课程(通常称为同步课程)包括直播, 安排的上课时间. Classes meet using Microsoft Teams and are combined with regular 在线 resources and assignments in Moodle.

注册 在线课程

现在的YHC学生应该和他们的指导老师联系注册. 如果你现在不是YHC的学生, 在注册在线课程之前,你必须先在学院注册.



今年夏天工作,不能回山上上课了? The eight-week eSummer Program offers both core and upper-division courses perfect for your major. Many of our summer courses can also be used for dual enrollment for rising juniors or seniors in high school.




如果你是一名参加双招生课程的高中生, refer to the Young Harris 双招生计划 for specific steps you need to take to enroll.



The YHC MAT program is for students with a baccalaureate degree who wish to obtain initial teacher certification in biology, 英语, 历史或数学.



常见问题 关于在线学习


Taking an 在线 course provides students with flexibility by replacing face-to-face traditional classes with engaging 在线 instructional activities. 在线 courses require that you work on your own at a computer and do a lot of reading. 为了在在线课程中取得成功,您必须:

  • Successfully complete the Moodle 在线 Orientation course prior to the class start date
  • Download and install all necessary software and be willing to watch tutorials if you need help with the software
  • 需要时向你的导师寻求帮助
  • Regularly log in to the 在线 course and follow the course calendar located in this syllabus
  • 充分参与包括播客在内的在线学习活动, 家庭作业, 论坛, 和项目
  • 确保你有一个安静的学习空间来完成你的在线工作

如果你仍然不确定在线课程是否适合你, 下载并完成一份自我清单.


在线课程将要求学生下载和上传文件, 参与网上论坛, 讨论,参加在线测验和测试. Students should be comfortable using a computer, navigating the Internet and sending/receiving 电子邮件.



  • 宽频互联网连接. Examples of broadband Internet connection are high-speed DSL or cable modem. 你必须有一个备用计划(当地的图书馆或快餐店), 例如)以防你的网络中断. 没有wi-fi可不是错过最后期限的好借口.
  • Chrome or Edge for Windows and Apple computers with the Proctorio extension installed
  • YHC电子邮件
  • 一个带麦克风的网络摄像头用于测验/考试监考
  • 最新版本的adobereader
  • 当前的文字处理软件
  • 课程大纲中要求的其他软件

学生可以下载Microsoft 365. 一旦您获得了YHC用户名和密码, 使用这些说明下载软件.


期末考试在学期的最后一周举行. 它们可以从任何有良好互联网连接的地方拍摄. The exams have a window of time to be taken and you can choose when to take the exam in that window of time. 一旦开始,你只有150分钟的时间来完成考试. 你必须使用一台带有摄像头/麦克风和Chrome浏览器的电脑.

NOTE: If you will be out of the United States, your country might block some internet access.  请联系YHC IT部门寻找解决方案.

确保考试过程的安全性和完整性, a proctored experience is required for successful completion of a YHC 在线 course. A proctored exam is one in which the student is monitored while taking the exam. 所有YHC在线课程都有期末考试监考. 有些课程可能会有额外的监考考试.


  • 一个安静、安全、灯光充足的考场
  • 房间里没有其他人
  • 坐在一张干净的桌子旁(而不是在床上或沙发上)
  • No talking out loud or communicating with others by any means (with the exception of contact with the faculty member in an emergency)
  • 不许离开房间
  • 除了电脑和桌面上的外部摄像头什么都没有. 这包括搬走所有的书, 论文, 笔记本电脑, 以及其他材料, unless specifically permitted in written guidelines for a particular examination.
  • Students are not allowed to use the following unless otherwise noted by instructor/exam giver: Excel; Word; PowerPoint; Calculator (在线/computer or handheld devices; Textbooks (在线/computer or hardcopy books); Notes (在线/computer or hardcopy notes); Pen and Paper (f或者是 purpose of taking notes during exam or calculations); Other websites.
  • 外部摄像头, 在可能的情况下, 应该放在笔记本电脑的盖子上还是会有常数的地方, 不受干扰地观察考生
  • 桌子上和墙上都看不到字
  • 没有音乐播放
  • 考场内不得有其他电脑或电子设备运行
  • 禁止使用耳机或耳塞
  • 网络摄像头必须对准每个考生
  • 照明必须是高质量的

普罗克托里奥是什么? 是必须的吗??

Young Harris College has partnered with Proctorio to provide proctored exams in all YHC 在线 courses. Proctorio is a cloud based system that integrates with the Moodle LMS (学习ing Management System). Proctorio authenticates the identity of the test taker and captures the entire exam session which is later reviewed by the instructor.

Students will need a computer with a webcam and microphone (internal or USB), 他们的学生证, 谷歌Chrome浏览器, 和普罗克托里奥延期考试. Proctorio与Kindle Fire或iPad等平板电脑不兼容. 确保满足这些要求是学生的责任.

If you have technical problems with proctoring, check to make sure that you are using the Chrome浏览器 并安装Proctorio扩展. 如果您继续遇到技术问题, 普罗克托里奥为学生提供全天候技术支持,电话:866-948-2039.  This number should work 24/7 but you may have to leave a message and receive a call back.  更多信息可在 普罗克托里奥的学生帮助页面.


Although 在线 courses take a lot of time and work, the time and work can be done on your schedule. If a student has work or family commitments, an 在线 course might be a good fit.

注意: 实时在线课程确实需要你在特定时间登录. 目前这只适用于 教育学硕士. 所有其他的在线课程都可以在你的时间表上完成.


YHC uses Moodle as its main tool for 在线 courses and students will be required to pass a short orientation which will familiarize the student with the activities within Moodle. 在每个YHC在线课程中, the faculty member will be the guide to help the student navigate the course.


一旦注册了你的在线课程, you will receive information about your course materials and how to access the Moodle orientation. 学生应在课程开始日期前完成Moodle培训. 学生可以给老师发邮件询问具体要求.

在线 证书和执照


Young Harris College has been approved by Georgia to participate 在 National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. NC-SARA is a voluntary, regional approach to state oversight of postsecondary distance education.


If a student is not a resident of Georgia and is taking a course or program leading to professional licensure, Young Harris College cannot guarantee the course or program leads to professional licensure 在 student’s home state.  每一个你.S. state or territory defines its own requirements for licensing and/or certification in professional fields and Young Harris College recommends that the student inquire with the appropriate licensing agency or board 在 state the student intends to practice prior to enrollment.

对教师预备课程感兴趣的学生应参阅 YHC教师预备课程的专业执照信息文学硕士教学计划 或者是 NC SARA教师教育目录.



通过以下方式与注册办公室联系 电子邮件 或拨打(706)379-5230.